Drucker - DRUpal doCKER dev environment


Drucker is a lightweight Drupal developer environment. It contains required tools, like Drush or Composer, without useless extra. The goals of this project is to have a Drupal development environment without installing anything on your desk (except Docker), and to be easy as possible to use.

You don't need any services installed (like PHP, MySQL, ...) or any WAMP/LAMP/... stack. Everything is managed by Docker, with the following containers:

If you want a more advanced stack, take a look at Docker4Drupal or Drupal VM projects.


An environnement where you can have the following features:

Note: You can use Virtualbox+Vagrant to have an environment ready, see below.


You can find the installation instructions here.


We suggest to install Docker-compose as a container, in your userland (no root required!):

# Create your home bin for local user installation if it does not exist
$ mkdir ~/bin
# Download docker-compose shell script locally
# Note: replace the version by the latest available
$ curl -L --fail https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.16.1/run.sh > ~/bin/docker-compose
# Make docker-compose an executable
$ chmod u+x ~/bin/docker-compose
# Source the ~/bin folder
# Note: don't forget to add it in your ~/.bashrc ("export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH")
$ source ~/bin
# Check if installation is ok
$ docker-compose --version

This script is provided by the Docker-compose team and will download the official image at the first launch and build it.

You can find the full documentation here.


You can use Vagrant to launch a compatible environment in a Virtualbox.

First, you need to install all the prerequisites:

# First, install Vagrant and Virtualbox:
$ sudo apt-get install -y virtualbox vagrant
$ virtualbox --version
$ vagrant --version
# Then, install the required plugins:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-bindfs

You can now launch it:

# Don't forget to launch `ssh-add` before, in order to use the same SSH keys inside your Vagrant:
$ ssh-add
# Then, launch it:
$ vagrant up
# You can now access to your Vagrant:
$ vagrant ssh

In the drucker.config, you need to use the ports 80 and 81. They will be forwarded to the ports 8080 and 8081.


See Usage section.



GPL 3.0 (original license)